Sunday, December 16, 2012

A La Monet

Already running late for my friend's bday party in the city, I just couldn't resist this shot.  Gloomy Chicago day.  Surprised that this is December.  In any case, the grayness and the water beading on the window just ha an appealing quality about it ...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oak and Lasalle

Hanging out in the city tonight... decided to try out some night photography while the dogs were being walked... kinda like the way this one turned out....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Things can get frustrating...and I just have to remember to breathe and focus on something else... Picture of my little Simi sleeping.. well she was sleeping until I started taking her pic :)  There now, thats better....

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Black Friday nonsense.  I trekked out to hit the sales and to my surprise, I really didn't care about any of it this year.  Unlike years past where I had the shopping route pre-planned, I went forth this year just for the hek of it.  Didn't really shop but people watched more than anything.  Its amazing how many down comforters and Pyrex people need.  (I went to Carson's)  I think I am done with this crazy commerical nonsense.

In anycase, I am exhausted from the broken sleep. 

Spent most of today drinking coffee, watching some silly European News channel on PBS (silly because I think its  European news produced for an American audience - I mean who out there calls it Soccer?) 

Now I am going through some old files (photographs, of course) and came across this one from Italy.  I have been so bad about the postings from that trip.  This ones taken in Venice - from the Guidecca side.
(Update: I finally wrote up some trip comments for Italy and added a few more pics from Siena and Venice)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Morning street

Tired.  Global business pains. Have to wake up early to make calls with the other side of the world.  However, on a positive note, I am gaining a new perspective of my neighborhood before day light.  My street this morning.... 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Good morning

Let the dogs out this morning behind the house and had to just hang out a bit longer.  Placid.  I went back and grabbed my camera, way too nice of a scene - and to think its behind my house.

Monday, October 22, 2012


These are from June 2010. I sucked at getting that trip logged. Berlin and Italy done on the same trip. Berlin was for work and Italy was because I was just so freaking close to it. We moved around quite a bit while in Italy and didn't always have an internet connection thus the sucky, unlike Spain, postings.

Center of Rome ... bumming around the colosseum / people watching.

We spent 6 days in Italy, started off in Rome and then on to Siena (its in Tuscany, outside of Florence) and finally, Venice.  We returned to Rome for one more night before we flew back home.  Siena was my favorite.  A bit off the path (though still touristy) and more peaceful. 

So, you know when you goto the Olive Garden an they have those big walls of scenery of the Tuscan country site, they are spot on.  We went to a Chianti wine tasting and wound up on some hill overlooking the Tuscan country side ...amazing.
Venice,  beautiful at times, but cheesy.  Too many tourists and their gondola rides!  Off the beaten path, kinda cool.  Bridges are nice but the boat fumes are nuaseating.  Happy hour starts early and the drink of choice is a Campari and soda.  *yum* -- acquired tasted, though.

Rome has to be seen more from a historical significance.  However, the religious overtones for me were a bit too much.  Where in NY all you see are Wall St geeks and laywers, in Rome you see a lot of Priests and Nuns. 

Berlin 2010

First pic is from the Holocaust Memorial and the second is from their government building, the Riechstag.